"Voice for Nation Building"
Voice out for a better futureSEP 27 2018, 9.30AM TO 10PM @ DEWAN TUNKU CANSELOR, UNIVERSITi MALAYA
Why youth?
- Youths have earned the right to express and share their opinions. What they require now is to be politically aware.
- By engaging youth in policymaking, true socio-political transformation can be set in motion.
- Our aim is to empower youth in nation building and give them a voice to create a better future for the country.
- This event will allow youth to engage critically with current and future policies through a debate and a series of town hall policy discussions.

On the 9th of May, for the first time in history, Malaysians voted for change. It is widely viewed that this change is brought by the young voters. The election is over. The real work of rebuilding this beloved nation of ours starts now. Join us to hear from our distinguished panel on how to engage youth to be more involved in nation building

Townhall Policy Discussion
#1 Policy Discussion
Towards a greener and cleaner Malaysia: Time to speak up for Mother Earth
Climate change is the definitive challenge of our time. Meeting the challenges of climate change requires a joint effort from all levels of society. Join us in discussing the way forward in addressing this challenges.

Distinguished Speaker
YB Isnaraissah Munirah
Deputy Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change

#2 Policy Discussion
Living in the age of automation and disruption
Embracing the 4th Industrial Revolution is inevitable. However the question is are we prepared to confront the substantial implications. Join us in this discussion that will focused on preparing the nation and youth for the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Distinguished Speaker
YB Darell Leiking
Minister of International Trade and Industry

Debate Session
Undi 18, are we ready?
Putrajaya has decided to lower the voting age from 21 to 18. By the next general election, it is very likely that 18-year-olds can cast their votes. Are the youths ready to take on this responsibility? Is Malaysia ready to face a new massive and influential and young voting block once the amendment is passed?
Join us for the debate between YB Syed Saddiq and Mr. Ragunath Kesavan to discuss how ready are we for Undi 18.

8.30am – 9.30am: Registration
9.30am – 10.00am: Opening ceremony
10.00am – 10.30am: Intermission
10.30am – 12.00pm: Panel Discussion
12.00pm – 1.30pm: Lunch Break
1.30pm – 3.00pm: Policy 1 – TED Talk Format
- Towards a greener and cleaner Malaysia
3.00pm – 3.30pm: Intermission / Prayers
3.30pm – 5.00pm: Policy 2 – TED Talk Format
- Living in the age of automation and disruption
5.00pm – 8.00pm: Dinner Break / prayers
8.00pm – 10.00pm: Policy 3 – Debate Format
- Undi 18, are we ready?
Meet our speakers