Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Pembiayaan Politik
GenZ @ the Podium, organized by KiniEvents, graced the University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) for the first time to discuss the motion topic of “The Implementation to Political Financing Act”. A big shout-out to our amazing Collaborative Partners – International Republican Institute (IRI) for their tremendous support in making GenZ @ the Podium a grand success! Thank you to all of our sponsors, venue partners, co-partners & media partners invaluable contribution towards creating a meaningful and impactful event.

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Belia Membahas Tentang Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Pembiayaan Politik.

Amendment of Whistleblowing
Protection Act Malaysia

Whistleblowing is a powerful tool to fight corruption. As per the current law, the Whistleblowers are not completely protected as their disclosure could break many laws such as the Official Secrets Act, Penal Code or banking secrecy. 

This causes people to remain silent despite knowing there is corruption going on around them. The amendment of this act is necessary to protect whistleblowers and encourage them to report misconduct without fear of retaliation.


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Youth to Present Amendments to the Whistleblowing Protection Act to Enhance Protection, for Whistleblowers.

Should Malaysia Adopt Youth
Contract to Ease Youth Unemployment

Malaysian youth face challenges in finding stable and decent jobs, particularly those who lack experience or skills. 

In the UK, the UK Youth Contract is a set of policy initiatives introduced by the UK government in 2012 aimed at reducing youth unemployment. The Youth Contract is intended to provide young people with the skills and experience they need to gain a foothold in the job market and help employers to build a skilled workforce.

Could Malaysia adopt a Youth Contract like the UK and is it sensible for Malaysia to set the contract, in terms of feasibility? And what is the impact?


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The Youths Suggested Implementation of Youth Contract in Malaysia To Combat Youth Unemployment

A big shout-out to our amazing Collaborative Partners – International Republican Institute (IRI) for their tremendous support in making GenZ @ the Podium a grand success! Thank you to all of our sponsors, co-partners & media partners invaluable contribution towards creating a meaningful and impactful event.


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The Youths Suggested Implementation of Youth Contract in Malaysia To Combat Youth Unemployment.

Laws to Legalise Cannabis for
Medical use in Malaysia

A growing number of nations are waving the green flag on medical cannabis. Countries such as Australia, Canada, Norway, Turkey, Switzerland, Greece and more have legalized cannabis for medical use as well as a small handful of others that allow medical marijuana use within very strict guidelines, such as in the form of cannabis-derived pharmaceuticals. It is not only proven to have medical benefits but it also could create economic opportunities for the country. 

Is this the right time for Malaysia to legalize cannabis for medical use.


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KiniEvents presents youth and politicians’ opinions on Medical Marijuana.

Pindaan Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi

With the rising cases of data leak and violation that could result in huge losses to the citizens, it is an indisputable fact that our current PDPA law is flawed. 

Malaysia must adopt a comprehensive national cybersecurity policy and implement tougher cybersecurity laws to protect the nation from both internal and external cyber-attacks. This should include the protection of all Internet users’ personal data. Towards this, the Personal Data Protection Act must be amended to encompass current developments and to ensure more effective and efficient implementation.


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GenZ di Podium: Perdebatan Metaverse Pertama di Malaysia antara Belia dengan Ahli Politik

Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Pembiayaan Politik


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Belia Membahas Tentang Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Pembiayaan Politik.

Undang-undang yang konkrit diperlukan untuk memastikan ketelusan dan akauntabiliti dalam pembiayaan politik serta mencegah rasuah dan salah guna kuasa. Apakah yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk diselipkan ke dalam undang-undang pembiayaan politik Malaysia dan bolehkah ini menjadi satu langkah untuk membendung rasuah dalam kalangan ahli politik?

Amendment of Whistleblowing Protection Act Malaysia

Whistleblowing is a powerful tool to fight corruption. As per the current law, the Whistleblowers are not completely protected as their disclosure could break many laws such as the Official Secrets Act, Penal Code or banking secrecy.

This causes people to remain silent despite knowing there is corruption going on around them. The amendment of this act is necessary to protect whistleblowers and encourage them to report misconduct without fear of retaliation.


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Youth to Present Amendments to the Whistleblowing Protection Act to Enhance Protection, for Whistleblowers

Should Malaysia Adopt Youth Contract to Ease Youth Unemployment

Malaysian youth face challenges in finding stable and decent jobs, particularly those who lack experience or skills. 

In the UK, the UK Youth Contract is a set of policy initiatives introduced by the UK government in 2012 aimed at reducing youth unemployment. The Youth Contract is intended to provide young people with the skills and experience they need to gain a foothold in the job market and help employers to build a skilled workforce.

Could Malaysia adopt a Youth Contract like the UK and is it sensible for Malaysia to set the contract, in terms of feasibility? And what is the impact?


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The Youths Suggested Implementation of Youth Contract in Malaysia To Combat Youth Unemployment

The Rising Cost of Living in Malaysia

The rise of cost of living causes the citizens to complain that their monthly salaries are insufficient to purchase daily necessities and pay their bills. How can fresh graduates survive with the increasing cost of living? 

How can employees manage their expenses with a shrinking disposable income if employers did not provide salary increments during the past two years of the pandemic? What can be done to reduce the burden of fresh graduates and low salaried workers dealing with the rising cost of living?


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Youth Addresses The Rising Cost of Living

Pindaan Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi

With the rising cases of data leak and violation that could result in huge losses to the citizens, it is an indisputable fact that our current PDPA law is flawed. 

Malaysia must adopt a comprehensive national cybersecurity policy and implement tougher cybersecurity laws to protect the nation from both internal and external cyber-attacks. This should include the protection of all Internet users’ personal data. Towards this, the Personal Data Protection Act must be amended to encompass current developments and to ensure more effective and efficient implementation.


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GenZ di Podium: Perdebatan Metaverse Pertama di Malaysia antara Belia dengan Ahli Politik

Laws to Legalise Cannabis for Medical use in Malaysia

A growing number of nations are waving the green flag on medical cannabis. Countries such as Australia, Canada, Norway, Turkey, Switzerland, Greece and more have legalized cannabis for medical use as well as a small handful of others that allow medical marijuana use within very strict guidelines, such as in the form of cannabis-derived pharmaceuticals. It is not only proven to have medical benefits but it also could create economic opportunities for the country. 

Is this the right time for Malaysia to legalize cannabis for medical use?


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KiniEvents presents youth and politicians’ opinions on Medical Marijuana.

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If you are interested to sponsor/collaborate
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+6010-434 1152 (Iman Ridzwan)
+6017-619 0307 (Syahirah Ibrahim)